We offer quick and easy weekly bacterial tests that fulfill your county’s Health Department requirements.
- a 24-hr. test for the presence/absence (P/A) of total coliforms
- a 24-hr. test for the presence/absence (P/A) of E. coli
- a 48-hr. heterotrophic plate count
Cost: $20
Payable by cash or check
- We can call, email, or fax the results
- A report will be sent to you and to your county Health Department
Sample Collection and Submission Procedure:
- Obtain a free sample collection kit containing a sterile bottle* and glove
- Wear a glove to prevent personal contamination of the sample
- Label the sample bottle
- Dip the sample bottle into the water to collect a sample
- Cap the bottle tightly
- Fill out a Recreational Water Submission Form
- Submit your sample within 6 hours if it is not refrigerated, or within 24 hours if it is refrigerated
- The submission deadline is 5:30PM on Wednesday
*You will notice that the sterile bottle has a small, white tablet inside. This is sodium thiosulfate, a chemical that will dissolve in your sample and neutralize any chlorine present, preventing chlorine from interfering with this test. When collecting a sample, be sure that you fill the bottle only once, to be sure that the sodium thiosulfate remains in your sample.
- Sample collection kits are available from two locations:
- Criterion Water Labs (700 E. Firmin St., Kokomo)
- The Howard County Health Department (120 E. Mulberry, Kokomo)
- Do not rinse out the sample bottle, as this would remove the sodium thiosulfate
- If residual chlorine is so high that it neutralizes the sodium thiosulfate in the bottle and still smells of chlorine, the sample cannot be tested
- Samples may be kept on ice for transportation; this is recommended, but not mandatory
- Samples frozen in shipment due to inclement weather cannot be tested
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