Whether you’re buying or selling a house, we can help you assess the water quality of your well. The three most common tests required when a house changes hands are a Well Bacterial Test, a Nitrate/Nitrite Test, and a Lead Test. This special offer includes all three for $150.
- a 24-hr. test for the presence/absence (P/A) of total coliforms
- a 24-hr. test for the presence/absence (P/A) of E. coli
- a certified nitrate/nitrite test
- a lead test
Cost: $150
- We can call, email, or fax the results
Sample Collection and Submission Procedure:
The Home Diagnostic Test is composed of three individual tests, each of which requires their own sample bottles and sample collection procedures. These sample bottles are available free of charge from Criterion Water Labs, and the details for each test are listed below:
Certified Nitrate/Nitrate Test
Lead Test
- Do the testing early in your mortgage process so you are not waiting on the results in order to close
- The EPA has established Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for each of the criteria tested here. If your test results are above these Maximum Contaminant Levels, they are deemed “action levels”
- We will let you know if there are any action levels based on your test results