Science Fair Workshop This Friday
“Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.”
– Albert Einstein
A science fair opens the door of the science lab and ushers students in. Instead of saying, “Don’t try this at home,” it says, “Here’s your chance to discover something!”
Students from 5th to 12th grade are invited to take part in the annual Howard County Science Fair on Saturday, February 14, 2015. This all-day event gives students the opportunity to investigate a scientific question and present their findings to a series of judges.
There’s no better way to find out more about the Science Fair than by attending a workshop on Friday, November 7th!
What: Live science demonstrations done by scientists, engineers, and professors
When: 4-5:30PM, Friday, November 7th
Where: Kokomo-Howard County Public Library South (1755 E. Center Rd., Kokomo)
Also, from 5:30 to 8:00PM that same evening, the Howard County Science Fair Initiative will host an information table in the lower level of the Main Library (220 N. Union St., Kokomo).
To learn more, see the Howard County Science Fair website, contact Dr. Marcia Gillette at 765.455.9369 or mgillet@iuk.edu, or contact Ann Ihms at 765.438.4995 or water@criterionwaterlabs.com.